08 May

If you are, then great! We can help you launch your first business podcast - just get in touch!

If not, then hopefully you’re interested in hearing just a few reasons why you might want to consider a podcast for your business.

And, if you’re thinking podcasting “sounds like a technical nightmare”, or “it’s going to be expensive” then read on for a pleasant surprise!

Podcasting is a great way to promote your product or services

Perhaps you’ve already got a solid marketing mix - your website, social media platforms, maybe some print, or even some radio adverts. 

The great thing about podcasts is their popularity and the way people access them - usually enabling them to multi-task, so when they’re walking the dog, or washing the car, collecting the kids or just sitting relaxing - more and more people are turning to podcasts in their leisure time. And that’s because generally podcasts are informative, unintrusive and often entertaining, in a way that browsing the internet or reading a newspaper are not. 

So listening to podcasts are the perfect way for people to keep up to date with local businesses, news and events in their community - and a podcast means you can get your business, product or service in front of a wider group of potential customers, building your reputation and increasing your authenticity with the people who matter most.

And consider this… one small step into this brave new world could turn out to be a giant leap for your business as you may find that you’ve seized the advantage of being the first to do so in your field.  Yes, your competitors may be on it with their social media or website presence, but podcasting is something they may not be doing or even contemplating yet.

Podcasts are really useful for brand awareness

Listeners can search for podcasts by keywords - so if your podcast appears where they are searching, that's already a great start. And if your product or service is something that is quite common, you are already setting yourself apart from the competition in the search engines by having a podcast - something which is really helpful for small businesses.

Then there’s the potential for great networking with a podcast

By inviting industry-related guests onto your show, to discuss contemporary topics or specific issues of the day, you will unquestionably enhance your status in the Cornish business network. You might even become the ‘go-to’ expert in your field! And you might also meet other business owners who can support your business by bringing their own listeners/customers to your podcast. 

Plus you are bringing more personality to your business, meaning people are more likely to remember you and think of you when they need your product or service.

Did somebody say podcasting sounds expensive?

Well to that I would say the on-going cost, once you’ve outlayed for the initial setup, is cheaper than many other forms of marketing, such as print advertising. It can work out to be a low cost and effective method of communicating with your customers, as well as being flexible and responsive in a way that other forms of advertising are not. 

Also, the content that you create will have multiple uses because, once you’ve got your completed podcast, the material has many applications such as releasing small sections of it on Instagram, YouTube, in your blogs. (which will increase your audiences, as well!)

So, I would encourage your answer to the opening question “Are you a business in Cornwall considering a Podcasting service?” to be… yes! And if you would like us to support you in getting a podcast off the ground, then do get in touch.

Click this link to hear an example of our Podcast work.

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